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The Root Chakra

This is week 1️⃣ of 7️⃣ all about the chakras ❤️🧡💛💚💙💙💜

Real quick, the Chakras reflect developmental stages in our life and the types of associations and perceptions that are made during those foundational stages. They also represent energy centers (or vortices) at specific points within the body.

Our chakras can be in balance, or out of balance, in either an excessive way, a deficient way, or sometimes a little bit of both. These types of imbalances will show up as symptoms, and are often created in response to experiences in our life.

Focus: Root Chakra - Chakra of Survival, Grounding to Stability, Safety, Security

The Root Chakra is known as Muladhara and is the foundation of life, feeling grounded and responsible for your sense of security and stability, and represents your physical identity.

It's color is: red.

The psychological function: survival.

The shadow side of this chakra is: fear.

The developmental stage: womb - 12 months old

The developmental tasks: physical growth, motor skills, object permanence, attachment.

The affirmations associated with this chakra are regarding basic rights, such as “to have,” “to be here,” “to take up space,” etc. If these don’t resonate with you, or you feel a “no” when you think about yourself and these, that may be an indication that there is an imbalance within your root chakra.

Foods that can help you ground yourself are meats and proteins.

Imbalanced states can often look like the following:

Physical dysfunctions you may experience when it’s out of balance are: Lower body issues. Immune system. Sciatica. Eating disorders.

Mental & Emotional dysfunctions may include feeling: Fear. Addictions. Low self-esteem. Lack of security. Depression. Financial security stress.

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